Sunday, June 12, 2011

Piezotome Ultrasonic Surgery Unit

Presenter: ACTEON
Released: 5/23/11
(No charge for this product tutorial)
A new generation of surgical equipment, the Piezotome Ultrasonic Surgery Unit offers an unmatched combination of surgical cutting power, precision and delicateness, ideal for implant surgery and other delicate oral surgery and perio procedures.

Watch this product tutorial now!
-- Go to
-- Type in the product name in the search field
--Use the company droplist to find the tutorial

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Participation Interactive CE for Dentists: Free on Viva Learning

Dentists, assistants and hygienists can now earn free interactive or participatory CE credits on Viva Learning by participating in live dental webinars.  
Visit to get your free CE Pass.  Your CE Pass gives you access to all Viva Learning websites free of charge.